LinkedIn is a great place to find new opportunities and connections. But if you’re not constantly improving your LinkedIn profile, you’ll likely miss out on opportunities and connections that could help you get ahead in your career. So make sure to keep up with the latest trends and techniques on LinkedIn, so that you can create the perfect resume for your next job opportunity.

Why Do You Need To Improve Your Resume on LinkedIn?

To stand out, you need to make sure your LinkedIn profile is well-written, interesting, and unique. You can start by creating a strong profile header and content, and by including interesting facts about yourself that will help people learn more about you. You can also include images and videos to help people see you in a new light. Finally, make sure your profile is easy to navigate and that your content is updated regularly.

LinkedIn is a great resource for finding a job, but you need to make sure to follow our recommendations to improve your chances. Besides, making the most of these small but powerful adjustments to your profile won’t take you longer than a couple of minutes. ..

How To Create a Smarter Resume on LinkedIn

  1. Make sure your profile is updated regularly.
  2. Use keywords in your profile.
  3. Use images to help show off your skills and experience.
  4. Add a personal story about yourself to help show off your personality and character.

Set Your Profile To Public

Before you go any further, make sure your LinkedIn profile is visible to users outside of your LinkedIn connections. If your public profile is visible, you will show up in searches on the network and will get noticed by a potential recruiter.

To make your profile public, go to LinkedIn account settings > Visibility > Edit your public profile. Find the Your profile’s public visibility section on the right and toggle it on. Now LinkedIn members can view the content of your resume on LinkedIn and see you in search results.

Add Location 

When recruiters search for professionals on LinkedIn, unless it’s for a remote position, they will first look for someone local. Having your location added to your profile will increase your chances with local businesses and employers.

LinkedIn is a great platform for finding new friends and former colleagues. Your location on the platform makes it easier for your friends and ex colleagues to find you, which can be an excellent source of recommendations.

To add your location, open your profile page on LinkedIn and click the pencil icon on the right to Edit intro. Scroll down to the Country/Region section and enter your contact information. Click Save. ..

Create a Unique Headline

When someone lands on your LinkedIn page, the first thing they see is your headline. This can be a valuable space to market yourself to potential employers, so make sure you come up with something that will catch their attention. Try coming up with a catchy line that will show off your skills and highlight what you can offer an employer. ..

Adding underlining and italics to your resume can help make it easier for recruiters to find the information they’re looking for. By highlighting your professional skills and experience, you can make yourself more appealing to potential employers. ..

Update Your Profile Photo

When it comes to recruiting, a profile with a clean up-to-date headshot is more likely to be successful than one that has been outdated for years. Use a professional-looking shot that only includes you as it will be one of your main selling tools.

LinkedIn allows you to add a second picture as your background image. This can be used to show your creativity, skills, or interests. ..

Use a Personalized URL

When you first create your profile on LinkedIn, you will be given a long URL link. You can later choose to customize it to make it into a personal reference. ..

If you want to make it easier for people to find you on LinkedIn, use a personalized URL with your name or nickname. This will look better when sent to someone online.

To edit your LinkedIn URL, go to your profile page and click the pencil icon on the right to Edit intro. Scroll down all the way to the Contact info section and click another pencil icon next to it. LinkedIn allows you to use 3-100 letters or numbers when creating your personalized URL. ..

Know Your Keywords

LinkedIn is a great platform for finding professionals in your field, but make sure to use the Skills & Endorsements section to list only skills that are relevant to your professional industry. This will help you find the right professionals for your job and avoid adding unnecessary skills that have nothing to do with your career.

To make your profile rank higher in searches, focus on your professional accomplishments. Add the skills that are related to your professional sphere and reorganize them so that the most important ones are on top of the list. ..

Request Recommendations From Your Past Employers

Recommendations on your LinkedIn profile should be just as important as your online reviews. Make sure to list all of your previous employers, and provide valuable insights into their businesses.

To ask for a recommendation, go to your LinkedIn page and scroll down till you get to the Recommendations section. Click Ask for a recommendation, then list the person you’d like to ask, and your relation to them at the company. Fill in the request template and click Send. ..

Never Stop Working On Your LinkedIn Profile

The best way to succeed on LinkedIn is to keep up with your professional development. If you’re serious about using LinkedIn to further your career, it may be worth investing in LinkedIn Premium. Premium can increase your chances of being hired for competitive positions.

LinkedIn is a great way to network and find jobs. If you’re looking to improve your resume on LinkedIn, here are some tips:

  • Make sure your profile is updated and includes all of the relevant information.
  • Use keywords in your profile title and in the summary section of your profile to help people find you.
  • Share interesting articles, blog posts, or photos from your career or personal life on your LinkedIn profile to show that you’re a well-rounded person.
  • Join groups related to the fields you’re interested in, so you can connect with other professionals in those fields. ..