I am unable to delete the folder you asked for. You may need permission to perform this action.

Windows 10: How to Delete a Folder Created by the Administrator? If you’re the administrator of a computer and you want to delete a folder that was created by another administrator, you’ll need to get permission from Windows first. Unfortunately, Windows never gives clear instructions on how to do this, so it can be confusing. In this article, we’ll explain how to delete a folder created by the administrator in Windows 10. ..

There are a few different ways you can fix this problem. The easier less-likely-to-work solutions are:

  1. Reset your computer. This is the least likely to work, but it’s the simplest solution and it can be done without any tools. Resetting your computer will fix all of your problems and it’s usually the first thing that people do when they have a problem with their computer.
  2. Try to find someone who can help you fix your computer. This is the most likely to work, but it may take some time and effort to find someone who can help you fix your computer. You may need to search through online resources or talk to friends or family members who have computers or know someone who knows someone who can help you fix your computer.
  3. Try using a virus scan tool. A virus scan tool can check for viruses on your computer and tell you if they’re active or not. This is a more reliable solution than resetting your computer because viruses often cause other problems on computers, such as crashing or freezing, so resetting your computer might not be able to solve all of those problems.

Method 1 – Restart in Safe Mode

If you can’t delete the folder from Windows, try restarting Windows in Safe Mode and deleting the files from the folder.

If you are able to delete the folder in safe mode, it means that some process was preventing Windows from deleting it. If you still can’t delete it and get the permissions error, keep reading below. ..

Method 2 – Change Permissions

If you’re having trouble getting permissions for a specific folder, right-click on it and choose Properties.

On the Security tab, you will find a number of options that will help protect your computer from unauthorized access. You can choose to encrypt your hard drive, set up a password protection system, or use a security software program.

To change the permissions for a file, you first need to click on the Change Permissions button at the bottom left. ..

Now is the fun part. It definitely looks complicated and that’s why you have to do this section right, otherwise you’ll think you set the permissions right when, in fact, they are wrong.

The Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object box is a way to make sure that all objects in the system have the same permissions, regardless of their parent object’s permissions. The Include inheritable permissions from this object’s parent box is a way to make sure that any objects in the system have the same permissions, regardless of their parent object’s permissions.

Deleting a normal folder should look something like the image above. The SYSTEM, Administrators, and the user (Aseem) have Full Control permissions with the Type set to Allow. You need to see what’s different and get your permissions to look like this using the Add, Edit, and Remove buttons. ..

If you see any permissions with Deny in the Type, go ahead and remove them.  Next make sure to add your username and the Administrators group and give them Full Control. Just click Add and type in the user name for your Windows account and then click Check Names. My Windows user name was Aseem, so I typed that in and clicked the button and it automatically changed it to WINDOWSMAC\Aseem.

To check the permissions for a folder, first type the name of the folder and click Check Names. If SYSTEM is not present, go ahead and add that also just to be on the safe side. When you are done and the permissions look correct, go ahead and click OK. It might take some time if the folder is large and has a lot of subfolders. Once it’s complete, try to delete the folder! ..

Method 3 – Try Unlocker

Unlocker is a program that tells you which programs or processes are currently holding locks on the folder. It’s not malware or spyware, but it does ask you to install other programs. If you don’t want to install any of the special offer software, just click on Skip a couple of times.

Once installed, the Unlocker will add an option to your right-click context menu. Go to the folder in Explorer, right-click and choose Unlocker.

If you have a locked folder, you will now see a list of processes/programs that have locks on it.

You can either kill the process, unlock or unlock all. ..

Unlock will let you select one particular item and unlock it. If you want to release all locks on the folder, just click Unlock All. It’s a very effective tool and usually will solve your problem. If none of the above mentioned methods worked, your last choice is below.

Method 4 – MoveOnBoot

If you can’t delete the file, then you can try to format your hard drive. To do this, go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Format. You can also use a program like Disk Cleanup. ..

You can install the Folder Deletion Wizard by running the following command: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c dirname “C:\Users<username>"\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer The Folder Deletion Wizard will let you know in program whether it’ll be able to delete the folder or not.

Method 5 – Use a Boot Disk

Windows still runs this program in Windows even if the user doesn’t have any permissions or if the folder is locked. The only way to delete a folder regardless of permissions or whether it’s locked is to use a boot disk. This is more complicated, but using this method, you can delete anything you want.

A boot disk is a CD or DVD that loads an OS or DOS interface that lets you then run commands like deleting partitions, deleting files, repairing master boot records and lots more. Most of the boot disks are overkill for what we want to do, but it’ll get the job done if nothing else is working.

There are many different ways to install Windows on a computer, but the most common way is to use a boot disk. A boot disk is a CD or DVD that contains the Windows installation files and allows you to start the installation from the computer’s hard drive. There are many different free boot disks available online, and you can find instructions for using them on sites like PCWorld and CNET. ..

If you are having trouble with one of the methods above, feel free to a post a comment and we’ll try to help out. Method 5 can be a little complicated, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Enjoy!