Facebook is a social media site that allows users to share photos, posts, and other information. To access all of your Facebook data, you must use an official Facebook app or extension. This is risky because someone else could access your account and see all of your personal information. If you don’t want to give away your Facebook data to these sites, there is a way for you to do it without them. All of the major social media sites require that you give away access to your account in order to view all of the data.

Facebook has a lot of data about you, including all your photos and videos. You can download all this data in a neat, organized format. It’s actually kind of cool to see all the information Facebook has on you. ..

Download Facebook Photos/Videos

In Settings, you’ll find a link to your Facebook data. Click on it to access your data.

If you want to get your Facebook data without having to go through the hassle of downloading it, you can do so by clicking on the link at the bottom of General Account Settings.

The data in our archive will include information on all types of vehicles, from small cars to large trucks. To start the archive, go ahead and click the green Start My Archive button.

This will bring up a confirmation popup window where you have to confirm that you want to download your archive.

Once you confirm by clicking on the second Start My Archive button, you’ll see a message stating that you will get an email once your archive is complete. After a little while, you should receive an email with a link to your archive.

Facebook is asking people to re-enter their passwords in order to download their archive. ..

Facebook will store your archive in a ZIP format. You can access it by unzipping it. ..

The photos and videos folder contains all your photos and videos in MP4 or 3GP format that you can view on your phone or computer. The third section, the archives, contains all of the content from the first two folders, plus any new posts, locations, tags, etc. that you’ve added since you last updated your account.

Your Facebook Photos folder contains all of your uploaded photos and any photos that have been synced from your mobile phone. However, each album is represented by the numeric code used by Facebook, rather than your album name. ..

If you have hundreds of albums in Facebook, you’ll have to open each folder and see what pictures are inside. If you just want a copy of everything, then it’s not a big deal. ..

The video folder has all your uploaded videos in MP4 format. From what I can tell, the Facebook download doesn’t give you the original resolution of the files that you originally uploaded, which is a bit of a bummer. It could also be because my pictures and videos were uploaded before Facebook had the upload in high resolution option. ..

Facebook will resize or compress your images and videos if they are greater than 2048 pixels or 100 KB in size. For videos and pictures, make sure you set the Upload in HD setting in your Facebook app by going to More, then Settings, then Account Settings and then Videos and Photos. ..

If you click on the index.htm file located in the same folder as photos, videos and html, then you can browse all of this info in your web browser in a nice format. You can see your info, everything written on your wall, your friends, messages, pokes, events and more.

Extra information about photos is included, such as where it was taken, the camera make and model, ISO speed and more. ..

This is the best way to download all your Facebook photos and videos without giving some other random company access to your account. If you have any questions, feel free to post a comment. Enjoy!