To post multiple photos on Instagram, you can use the following steps:

  1. Open Instagram and sign in.
  2. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen (the one with the green arrow). This will take you to a menu where you can select which app to use for posting: Instagram or Facebook.
  3. If you are using Instagram, select “Add photos.”
  4. If you are using Facebook, select “Add videos.”
  5. Click on “Add photos.”
  6. Type a caption for each photo and click on “post.”
  7. When you have finished posting, click on “delete” in the top right corner of the main screen to remove all of your photos from Instagram and from Facebook.

Post Multiple Photos on the Instagram Website

If you have photos you want to share on Instagram, but they’re on your computer, you can easily add more than one to a new post on the web. ..

Select the post icon (plus sign) in the top-right navigation to view a list of posts from that day.

When the Create New Post window opens, you can drag your photos into the window or upload multiple photos from your computer.

Drag a Group of Photos

To pull the pictures on your computer right into the window, select them all and then drag them onto the Create New Post window.

Select a Group of Photos

If you want to post all of your photos, choose the Select From Computer button and select Upload.

Add More Photos to the Post

If you’re trying to post multiple photos at the same time but they’re all spread out on your computer, you can still do it. ..

When others view your post on the web, they’ll see a grid of photos on the left and right. They’ll also see dots at the bottom for the number of photos you include.

Post Multiple Photos in the Instagram Mobile App

You can post multiple photos in the Instagram app on iPhone and Android too.

Instagram will show a number at the bottom of the first photo for how many pictures are included in the post. Swiping left or right will take you to the next or previous photo, respectively. ..

Instagram is a popular social media platform where users can share photos and videos. There are different ways to use Instagram, including creating stories, becoming an influencer, and more. ..