Google has released a new tool that uses machine learning to help you solve mysteries. Once Google recognizes your tune, you can explore details about the song, artist, lyrics, and more. ..

How Google Hum to Search Works

Hum to Search is a new music recognition feature that uses machine learning to identify a song. This technology was developed by the Google Research team and is currently being used in the Now Playing feature on the Pixel 2. ..

Google believes that a song’s melody is as distinctive as a person’s fingerprint. Machine learning algorithms remove details from a tune and basically strip it down. Those details can include instruments or vocals. What’s left is that fingerprint.

The machine learning models identify the melody from humming, whistling, or singing the tune to provide you with the matching song.

You can use the Google Hum to Search feature on Android or iPhone with the Google app. If you have the iOS Google Search widget on your Home screen, you can tap it to open Google Search too.

If you see the correct tune, or more than one match, select the song from the list for more details.

If you don’t receive any matching songs, try again to do exactly that. If you’re still struggling, try to eliminate background noise, keep your humming volume up, and give Google enough sound for at least 10 to 15 seconds.

How Well Does Hum to Search Work?

Our tests found that Google Hum can be a helpful tool for finding information when you need it, but it can also be frustrating if you don’t understand the results. We wanted to know if you thought the feature was worth the time and effort, so we ran some more tests.

We hummed Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne and it matched the Google search results with the highest percentages. Next, we hummed Black Cat by Janet Jackson and once again, Google came through and identified the tune. ..

Google is still in its early days, and there are always risks with any new technology. However, so far, it seems to be working well. You’ll need to try it out for yourself to see if it’s the right choice for you.

Google Hum to Search is a great way to identify a hummed tune. It can be helpful when you want to get rid of the earworm and want help identifying the tune. You can also let us know what you think of it on Twitter or Facebook. ..