With our article, we are here with a solution to ease you with this kind of situation. You don’t need to put in so much effort or look here and there for the solution but you just need a perfectly made “privacy policy” for your blog. Yes, you heard it right, just a well-defined privacy policy for yourself. Other than the protection from such cases, it also adds a great impression to your blog by portraying the uniqueness of your work and a number of benefits. Now if you are thinking that you would need to write any thesis when crafting your policy, then you are thinking way too far. You just need to know what exactly a privacy policy is and how to make it and what benefits does it offer. Let us take you around with this. We must start with the introduction to it.
What is a Privacy Policy?
As per Wikipedia, “Privacy Policy is a statement or a legal document that covers some or all the ways by which a party gathers, uses, discloses and manages a client’s data.” Read more here. It is a legal requirement that protects the customer’s privacy. For any business, it is sometimes necessary to get access to user’s personal information like bank details, address, credit information, etc. The users will definitely want to have all their information secured. Thus, the privacy policy ensures the customers about the source by which their information is collected and how it is being kept along with informing them with whom it is being shared. This is just an introduction to the policy, let us make you more clear about why you need a policy by letting you know the benefits of it.
Key Benefits of Privacy Policy
1. Reader’s Trust
Today, when technology has given us so many benefits, it has also given us some of the reasons to worry about the cases that we hear of cyber-crime. With a well-defined privacy policy, you give your readers the assurance that they can trust you with their personal information. They will feel safe when sharing any of their sensitive information with you. Gaining your reader’s trust is no doubt a winning situation.
2. Savior from Legal Troubles
By any chance, if you get yourself in any legal trouble, you have your legal policy as your backup for you. You can settle out any of your claimed points by having a privacy policy that defines all the points in a clear manner. We don’t have to ask you how good you feel when all your troubles will end with just some legal documents that cover everything that can go against you.
3. Transparency
You and your readers will have nothing to disagree on if both of you are clear and transparent about the policy points. By giving them all the understandable reasons to trust you, you will certainly have them as your forever readers.
Tips to Write a Privacy Policy for Your Blog
We hope with so much of the positive offerings you are now convinced of having one privacy policy for your business. Now that when you are convinced, let us show you the main points that you should cover in your policy and how to draft your policy in an easy manner.
1. Write in Plain English
The policy that you are making should be written in simple English that both the parties can easily understand. If not in English it should be written in a language that both the parties are familiar with.
2. Type of the Information
The policy must cover all the types of information that you want. Be it a small detail or a big one, any personal details, it should include everything completely.
3. Handling of the Information
Once you have listed all the information that you would be needed, the next thing that you should make sure to keep transparent is how that information will be used. Clearly, mention the people and areas where you will be sharing the information with.
4. Add All the Relevant Laws
Add all the laws of the state privacy laws that govern your business.
5. Touch All Aspects
If you use some other mediums like Google AdSense you must add all their required details in the policy that saves you from any trouble in the future. Also, update your policy when and where required. Similarly, Google Analytics’ privacy policy disclosure is necessary.
6. Opting Out
Also, mention a way by which the readers can easily opt-out of your service if they wish to. Mention all the necessary details that one has to fulfill when they are moving out of your service.
7. Effective Date
Keep your readers aware of when the policy is becoming effective. Don’t keep them in surprise by abruptly making your policy effective.
8. Update Information
It may require updating your privacy policy from time to time due to business reasons or government policies. It should be mentioned privacy policy may change in the future. If you have updated privacy policy then you must let users know what are the new changes and how they will be affected.
If Using AdSense & Analytics
As per your blog, you will be needing the following two policies for you: “AdSense Policy” for being qualified to earn some extra income from Google’s AdSense Program and “Analytics Policy” which can help if you have the need to access Google Analytics for your blog. Prepare these two policies for you before getting any penalty from Google.
Tools to Create Privacy Policy –
You may use third party policy generator services like-
A good privacy policy is not just for your protection from the legal troubles but is also a way that shows that you are concern and care for your readers. Their issues really matter to you and thus you have already prepared yourself to help the readers to get some ease. We are sure you must have planned to prepare the policy for your business. Do let us know what all you have included in that or what more you are planning to add after reading the article.