To get the HEX, RGB, or HSL values for any color on the web, use a Chrome extension. Point your cursor to the color and get the code you need to match it.

  1. ColorZilla - This extension has a built-in color wheel and allows you to pick colors from the spectrum, as well as create custom palettes.
  2. ColorSchemer - This extension lets you pick colors based on their hexadecimal values, or create custom palettes.
  3. Crayon - This extension lets you pick colors based on their RGB values, or create custom palettes.
  4. FARR - This extension has a built-in color selector and allows you to pick colors from a predefined set of options or create your own. 5. HSLA - This extension lets you adjust the hue, saturation, and lightness of colors using sliders. 6. Kuler - This extension is similar to FARR in that it has a built-in color selector and allows you to pick colors from a predefined set of options or create your own. 7. Munsell - This extension provides access to the Munsell color system which includes 12 hues and 72 shades. 8. NthColor - This extension provides access to the NthColor library which includes more than 16 million different colors! 9 . Pixelmator’s Color Picker Extension 10 . Adobe Photoshop’s Color Picker ..

1. Color Picker Tool – Geco

You can obtain a color code for any color you see on a webpage with the Color Picker Tool – Geco. ..

You’ll see the HEX, RGB, and HSL codes in the New and Picked sections of the extension’s window. Select a previous color you’ve identified, and you’ll see those codes in the New section.

Additional Features:

Copy the HEX color code to your clipboard for easy pasting where needed. Download a CSV file of your color palette with HEX, RGB, and HSL codes. Adjust settings for copying to your clipboard, enabling a notification, and using a right-click.

2. AKColor

To get the color code for any site on the web, use the AKColor eyedropper tool.

You’ll see a pop-up window with color codes. Choose any of the codes to copy the color values to your clipboard. Then, select Pick Again or Close. ..

Additional Features:

The Color Converter and Gradient Generator can help you quickly and easily convert colors from one format to another. You can also use the gradients and converters to adjust settings for night mode, the interface, the size of the pixel magnifier, and more.

3. Pick Color

Pick Color is a color picker that can be used in other locations rather than just the web. It’s easy to use and has a variety of options to choose from.

To change the color of a text or background, open the extension and click on the “Color” button. You’ll then see the HEX, RGB, and HSL color codes in the extension’s window. You can copy the HEX code by selecting the copy icon on the right of it. To copy the RGB or HSL values, move down to the section beneath and use those copy icons. ..

Bonus Feature

With Pick Color, you can quickly identify a color on a webpage and copy the RGB code to your clipboard with a couple of clicks. ..

4. Color Picker (by

Color Picker from is a useful Chrome extension with extra features that can help you pick the right color for your outfit.

Additional Features:

To use the Color Picker tab, click on the tab located in the top left corner of the window. The Color Picker will appear. To use the Color Scale tab, click on the tab located in the top right corner of the window. The Color Scale will appear. To use the Color Blender tab, click on the button located in the bottom left corner of the window. The Color Blender will appear. ..

5. Eye Dropper

Chrome has a few options for color picking, including Eye Dropper. This tool allows you to quickly and easily choose the best color for your browser window. With Eye Dropper, you can get a variety of colors that are perfect for your screen and personal preferences.

Additional Features:

To mix your own colors:

  1. Open the Color Picker tab.
  2. Choose a color from the list of colors.
  3. Click the “Mix” button to create a new color.
  4. Click the “Export” button to save your new color as a CSV file with the color codes.
  5. Adjust settings for copying to your clipboard, changing the pointer appearance, and disabling the color information as you move your cursor.

6. Black-shrimp

If you want to identify colors and then group them for quick access, check out the Black-shrimp color palette. ..

Additional Features:

To add a color to your document, use the folder icon and drag it into the document. To export your colors as an ASE file, use keyboard shortcuts. ..

7. Easy Color Picker

If you’re not interested in extra features and just want a color picker extension, take a look at Easy Color Picker.

The color codes for the Xbox One are as follows: Blue: 1 Green: 2 Gray: 3

8. Colorfly Color Picker

Colorfly Color Picker is a color picker that is easy to use. You can grab the color and view the code, or copy values if needed.

9. Color Picker (by kipelovvycheslav)

Color Picker is a Chrome extension that lets you change the color of your tabs and pages.

10. Smart Color Picker

Chrome users can install a simple extension called Smart Color Picker that allows them to easily select the color they want for their webpages. ..

Chrome extension color pickers are a great way to keep your browsing experience simple and organized. Whether you like extra features or prefer to keep it simple, they’re all great options.

For more help on installing or removing extensions in Chrome, be sure to check out our guide. ..