01 Keep Your Personal Information Limited and Professional 02 Sign up for a Premium VPN Provider 03 Watch Where You Browse 04 Keep Your Privacy Settings On 05 Use Secured Connections 06 Choose Strong Passwords 07 Be Careful While Downloading 08 Make Online Purchases from Secure Sites 09 Use Caution When Meeting People Online 10 Maintain Good Anti-Virus Software

1 Keep Your Personal Information Limited and Professional

Make sure the only things you post online relate to your professional background, your achievements, and how to get in touch with you. Never display your home address, relationship status, or other personal information as it’s not needed and makes you more vulnerable to an online attack. Remember, what you write online isn’t easy to erase.

2 Sign up for a Premium VPN Provider

By utilizing a premium VPN service you’ll not only encrypt all of your traffic, but you’ll receive an anonymous IP address which stops snooping. You’ll remain safe if you invest in the best. We recommend using NordVPN because it uses state-of-the-art encryption practices and has a built-in security system called CyberSec for advanced protection. You have a 30-day money-back guarantee that allows you to try it out risk-free, so there’s nothing to lose.

3 Watch Where You Browse

The World Wide Web is full of pitfalls that you must avoid. With just one careless click, it’s possible to infect your entire system and expose all of your personal information. Resist the urge to visit shady sites and don’t give hackers the chance to infiltrate your system.

4 Keep Your Privacy Settings On

Both your operating system and web browser contain settings to secure your privacy while online, we strongly suggest that you utilize them. Even sites like Facebook include options for enhancing your privacy, however these settings are often tough to find because they don’t really want you to secure your information. But by enabling privacy settings, there’s a smaller chance that advertisers and hackers will gain access to your data.

5 Use Secured Connections

If you have to use a public network connection, avoid doing anything online that requires a password or involves personal information.Any time you use an unsecured connection, you must assume the world is watching everything you do.

6 Choose Strong Passwords

If you have trouble remembering your strong passwords, you can use a password manager software. Ideally, you want a password that’s 15 characters or longer containing special characters, numbers, and letters. It’s also helpful to use multi-factor authentication for online accounts, which requires you enter several pieces of information verifying your identity.

7 Be Careful While Downloading

In today’s world, it’s simple to disguise any malware as an app or popular download, so instead of downloading a new blockbuster movie, you could be installing malware. That’s why you should exercise vigilance when downloading anything you aren’t sure about or that doesn’t come from a reputable source. One tip, always check the user reviews, if somebody has been duped by a false link, you can almost guarantee that they’ll put it in the comments section.

8 Make Online Purchases from Secure Sites

Look for the website that begins with https: instead of just http:. You might also see a lock next to the web address, meaning it’ll keep the transaction safe and secure.

9 Use Caution When Meeting People Online

It’s common for hackers to use fake profiles to become friends with users and rip them off. Be sensible and cautious online; just like in your real life.

10 Maintain Good Anti-Virus Software

Internet security software can be great but  it only works if you keep it up-to-date so it’s incredibly important to update your applications and operating system regularly.

11 Final Tip – Don’t Neglect Your Mobile Device

More people use their mobile devices like personal computers these days which is why you will want to employ all of the above tips on your smartphone as well as your computer. Thankfully, most high-quality VPN providers offer support for both iOS and Android, so you have the opportunity to browse without worry. You have the right to browse anonymously and do what you want while online. With the right protection, the Internet is wide open to you with endless possibilities.  In our opinion, grabbing a VPN to ensure your protection and anonymity online is worth the small price it costs.